Shipping Online Collaboration

Shipping Online Collaboration includes a customized intranet sites to store and share documents internally and with partners. Post-fixture and corresponding emails are archived on the same intranet. Each site can have their own collection of intranet components as news, projects, calendars, etc.
From Microsoft Teams there is a “front-end” to intranet sites and documents to share in Teams meeting and projects. The intranet sites can be managed from Teams.
From Microsoft (Office) 365 Shipping Copilot can be used to transform recaps into post-fixture injected into your post-fixture solution, querying ChatGPT for shipping insight and store email correspondence together with fixtures.

Shipbroking business emails, recaps and documents
Shipping Online is strongly integrated with Microsoft (Office) 365 for simplifying use of e-mails and documents for shipbrokers business work. With Shipping Copilot installed on Outlook you can convert Recaps into post-fixtures, and emails and documents can easily be archived together with the fixture you are working on, so all the correspondence with your customer is collected in one place for archiving, historical search and sharing among team members at Office, Departments, Segment and with partners.
collaboration in the cloud
collaboration everywhere
Shipping Online Intranet Business Site
For each Office, Department or Segment Shipping Online deploy one Intranet site. Each intranet site can be customized by users with layouts, news, blogs and components as calendars, projects and document libraries for Collaboration and Sharing with team members and partners.
The Intranet is integrated with Microsoft Teams. Intranet sites can be managed from Microsoft Teams as “front-end”. In Teams meeting projects and documents from intranet can be shared among meeting participants.
The heart of the intranet site is documents libraries to store and share documents with team members and partners based on the company security rules. It is possible to create your own document library for a specific task or project. In the document library you can add, delete or modify files you are working on, and the files is stored with file versions. You can also control access to the library, track activity on files, create custom view, add links and highlight links for quick access.

access and share fixtures, project files, calenders, activities and
business documents from anywhere – on any device
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